Yeast Infection

Everything that you should know about it.

Common Causes of Yeast Infection in Men

Yeast infection in women is a very common condition. However, male yeast infection is usually neglected or overlooked. Most cases of yeast infection are due to Candida albicans, which is why it is known as candidiasis in medical terms. Yeast infection in males is not a fatal condition but early diagnosis and immediate treatment is necessary to relieve the condition. It is also necessary to be familiar with the most common causes of the condition, which includes the following:

Weak Immune System

Just like any other infectious disease, yeast infection also affects those individuals with weakened immune system. Compared to healthy adults, people with compromised immune system can be easily infected by Candida albicans. Weak immune system is often due to poor diet, strong medications or underlying health issues.

Antibiotic Treatment

Another factor that could trigger the infection is prolonged antibiotic treatment. In this case, administration of antibiotics for a long time can kill beneficial bacteria within the body system. Due to the reduced amount of counteracting flora inside the digestive tract, yeast overgrowth occurs, thus resulting to an infection.

Diabetic Condition

Diabetes is characterized by high levels of sugar inside the body and since yeast feeds on sugar, this condition is considered as a factor for yeast infection. Diabetes conditions can also weaken the body’s immune system, thus increasing the risk of male yeast infection.

Yeast Infected Partner

Most males contract the fungus after having unsafe sexual activities with an infected partner. This is the primary reason why most diagnostic procedures for yeast infection are done at the same time for both involved parties. Although yeast infection can be transmitted through sexual contact, it is not considered as a sexually transmitted disease.

Alcohol Intake

Individuals who drink alcoholic beverages frequently are at high risk of acquiring yeast infection as well. Alcohol can lower the pH level within the intestinal tract, kills healthy bacteria and triggers yeast overgrowth.

Certain Foods

Various types of foods can also increase the risk of yeast infection. These foods should be excluded from your diet to prevent the condition. Such foods include wheat products, peanuts, and barley and corn products. Although these foods contain high amount of essential fibber, excessive consumption of these can increase the level of acid in the intestines and reduce the amount of healthy bacteria, thus inducing an infection.

Treatment of Male Yeast Infection

The condition is not exclusive to adult males, as the fungus can infect even younger boys as well. Aside from knowing the causes of the problem, it is also necessary to learn about the symptoms of yeast overgrowth. Contrary to vaginal yeast infection, yeast infection in men does not usually manifest any physical symptoms. Some of the common symptoms of male yeast infection, however, include redness, small blisters and intense itching on the head of the penis. There are times when men may also experience burning sensation when voiding or passing urine.

The treatment for the condition consists of two things – treat the underlying cause of the infection and manage the symptoms of the condition. By doing so, permanent cure for the problem can be achieved. Otherwise, an individual infected by the fungus may experience recurrent infection. The physician can examine the symptoms in order to determine the possible cause and administer the right treatment for it.


What Everyone Should Know About Yeast Infection

Remove Yeast Infection – What Everyone Should Know

This video will help people who are experiencing yeast infection know about its symptoms, causes and home remedies available.

Prevalent Reasons for Candidiasis and its Indications

Candida albicans can result to numerous ailments. This may range from moderate subcutaneous infections and serious infections in the intestines, heart, esophagus and the throat. One of the major causes of yeast infection is the regular use of antibiotics, which damages the body’s microorganisms, thus resulting to Candida or yeast overgrowth. Often, the condition may exist for no reason at all and this scenario demands thorough diagnosis.

Yeast infection or candida is named depending on the location where the infection arises. For instance, in case the condition occurs in or around the mouth or the oral cavity, this is called oral thrush or oral yeast infection. If the infection develops within the area of the vagina, this is known as vaginal candidiasis or vaginitis. This particular infection may lead to the growth and development of scaly skin rash along with onychomycosis in fingernails or toenails. Such type of fungus may also live in the bloodstream and impact the vital organs in the body.

The indicators of the infection also vary based on its location. A few of the typical signs are the following:

* Yeast infection on the epidermis is characterized by inflammation, redness and the occurrence of rough and scaly skin.

* Vaginitis can result to itching and inflammation in the walls of the vagina. This is also accompanied by the existence of yellow or white discharges.

* Onchymycosis or candidiasis in the nails can lead to to having redden, smelly or painful finger or toenails. Formation of pus may also exist in and around the affected fingernails or toenails.

* Penile candidiasis or balanitis often results to irritation of the penis.

* Candidiasis in the renal system may result in the existence of blood in the urine.

* If the infection gets to the heart, this may induce severe damage to the heart tissues and valves.

* Infection by candida inside the lungs, however, results to the existence of blood on the sputum.

* In case yeast infection reached the eye area, this will likely result in painful and blurred vision.

Yeast infection may also get to the brain and some of the typical symptoms of yeast infection within the brain include the existence of brain tumors and seizures. The affected person may also go through distress, mood swings, loss of memory and other behavioral modifications.

The diagnosis of yeast infection is usually dependent on the indicators shown, along with physical examination plus the medical history of the affected person. In case it is needed, laboratory testing may be demanded too, such as biopsy, blood test and culturing of the blood or wound. Right after in depth medical diagnosis is accomplished and presence of yeast infection is determined, the doctor may suggest specific treatment options for curing the disorder.

Based on the area as well as the type of infection, the doctor may call for the utilization of antifungal topical creams and ointments, IV injections or antifungal medications. For a more potent treatment, the individual might be instructed to comply with Candida cleanse therapy. The affected individual’s food plan should not contain sugar too, as this can boost the growth and development of Yeast. If sugar is avoided, multiplication of candida is averted as well.

To counteract the infection, adhering to proper hygiene is critical. One treatment for yeast infection on the epidermis is to be sure that it is maintained clean and dry all the time. Men and women suffering from skin condition are more at risk of acquiring Candida albicans or candidiasis. In case the symptoms of the problem are severe, it is only vital to consult a doctor promptly for quick cure and in an effort to prevent any further issues because of the ailment.

Understand the Cause and Key Warning Signs of Yeast Infection

Yeast infection can be prevented by managing the environment and the atmosphere. Note that that to prevent the problem, it is crucial to keep a dry environment. Keeping away from wipes, douches and sprays is necessary as well. For males, it is necessary to prevent the unnecessary consumption of antibiotics and steroids to avoid the problem. Even if antibiotics are of help against microorganisms, it can also destroy beneficial bacteria in the body and interrupt the balance between these bacteria and yeast, therefore resulting to yeast overgrowth and yeast infection.

Signs and Symptoms

Yeast infection on the vaginal cavity is known as vaginal candidiasis or vaginal yeast infection, while yeast infection on the diaper area is known as diaper rash. When the affliction takes place in or around the mouth area, this is often referred to as oral candidiasis or oral thrush. The signs of yeast infection vary determined by its location. If it appears on the vaginal cavity, the most common symptoms include itching, soreness and burning sensation on the vagina or vulva. The affected woman can also notice the presence of whitish or yellowish discharges from the genitals.


As mentioned, candidiasis is due to yeast overgrowth. This particular yeast exist in all people then again, as a result of presence of beneficial microorganisms, these yeasts are prevented from growing and replicating, thus stays harmless within the body. In case of a disruption in the balance of microorganisms, yeast overgrowth may occur and this can lead to an infection. The illness can also be a result of unhygienic sexual habits and conception. In men, one of the main factors that cause male yeast infection is pleasure in unprotected sexual activities. Females suffering from diabetes are also susceptible to developing candidiasis. Other factors that cause the problem include infertility treatments, consumption of oral birth control methods and hormone replacement therapies or HRT.

Treatment Method

Several treatment methods can easily be bought for yeast infection or candidiasis. Many people afflicted with the illness go for home remedies to alleviate the infection. One beneficial treatment is the use of smashed garlic together with boric acid. Yogurt can also be used as remedy for the problem, as this contains lactobacillus which is useful in reducing candidiasis. Other homemade treatments can be chosen against the affliction too, for instance the consumption of fresh fruits and raw veggies, and lowering the sugar intake in the eating plan.

These natural home remedies are all useful against the symptoms of the condition. Nevertheless, it is still essential to speak with your personal doctor with regards to the treatments for serious cases of the problem. There are over-the-counter and prescription medications readily available for the infection as well. The problem could be taken care of by consuming anti-fungal medicines, such as topical clotrimazole, topical nystatin and topical ketoconazole. For severe instances, other drugs are effective as well, for instance caspofungin, amphotericin and voriconazole.

For women, home remedies can be used as well. Nevertheless, if these home cures cannot offer treatment for the ailment, medicated douches as well as vaginal suppositories may be encouraged. Acidophilus subsidiaries are frequently used against the disorder as well. This kind of acidophilus is a acknowledged natural bacterium that is found within the digestive tract. This is often obtained as health supplements and are readily available on the market. Fungal medications can be utilized for the condition but bear in mind that appropriate diagnosis is important before its administration.

Untreated Yeast Infection Problems

Approximately 50% females and 25% males experience candidiasis at least once throughout their life. For additional information regarding the ailment, you may also check out The type of infection is categorized with regards to the site of infection, such as the following:

* Oral yeast infection which is also called oral thrush

* Skin candidiasis or external candidiasis

* Vaginal yeast infection or female yeast infection

* Systemic yeast infection

The most common indications of the condition include burning sensation and pain when passing urine or voiding. The person infected with candida may feel distressed and sexual activities could be painful and very discomforting. In females, candidiasis may cause white, foul-smelling discharge from the vagina. The indicators will grow severe so long as the infection is left unattended. For males, on the other hand, the existence of white patch surrounding the tip of the penis is usually an sign of infection and men needs to be well aware of this warning sign. Yeast may also infect babies, especially the diaper region and is generally mistaken for diaper rash.

Effects of Candidiasis

A variety of home remedies for yeast infection are available for infected individuals. Nonetheless, if ever the infection is ignored or overlooked, the infection will expand and distribute to other parts of the body. The fungus will take advantage of the destabilized immune system. Unless addressed, you will notice that your condition intensify after a while. The burning feeling will then lead to severe pain when voiding and frequent itching could make sexual exercises feel worse. Sex may fail to exist due to pain and discomfort.

Other than these discomforts, there is also a probability that the infection may be propagated to other areas of the body through the blood stream, consequently giving rise to systemic candidiasis. This is also known as sepsis, that is regarded as a life threatening ailment. In sepsis, blood clots may build up and this can lead to organ failure due to obstruction by clots to the blood circulation on the vital organs. Which is why even minor situations of candidiasis have to be dealt with right away.

What will arise if vaginal candidiasis remains neglected? Should a female suffering from vaginal yeast infection neglected the illness or left it untreated in the course of the monthly period, the circulation of blood changes the level of pH from the fluids from inside the vagina. This could lead to a negative response to the yeast cell and obstruct the activity of the yeast cell along with its growth. However, an untreated yeast infection may gradually result in vulvovaginal candidiasis.

In case the illness extends to the intestines and is still left untreated, this might lead to even more complications. Based on the severity of the condition, it may result in several mental conditions, for instance moodiness, despression symptoms, memory and learning issues. Insomnia might start troubling you as well as well as food allergies. Stomach issues may start to develop, which includes diarrhea, gas formation, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome and bowel problems. Intense infection, on the other hand may result to colitis.

It is crucial to distinguish vaginal or male yeast infection symptoms and go for immediate solution for it, that could be accomplished using home remedies. You could also try a diet plan that is made for Candida yeast, known as Candida cleanse. Then again, before doing so, you must speak to your medical doctor first to determine the seriousness of the illness to distinguish the most suitable treatment for the condition, particularly if it takes you a little while to determine its symptoms.

Yeast Infection Illnesses in Males

Since many men are not aware of yeast infection, most males do not instantly go for diagnosis. Those people who are going through signs of male yeast infection could be embarrassed to share it with their medical doctor and even their partners. On the other hand, candidiasis in males can result in severe complications if unattended. There is a chance that the infection could be transmitted to his partner by way of sexual exercises. If you worry that you are afflicted with candidiasis, numerous testing can be carried out in an effort to discover these. You could go for yeast infection testing, such as following:

* One simple method against male yeast infection is to acquaint yourself with its indications. Should you be encountering the indications of candidiasis, it is crucial to refer to your health care provider immediately for correct medical diagnosis.

* Yeast infection in males is often evaluated through microscopic test or culture medium test. Microscopic evaluation is conducted by taking a sample with a cotton wool swab from the affected region and after that it will be checked under the microscope. In this exam, a potassium chloride solution may be used to identify Candida cells by putting a stain on the sample taken from the region afflicted by candida.

* With culture medium test, yeast colonies will be produced using the sample on the swab obtained from the infected area. The fungal colonies are distinguished based upon its appearance and this will help detect whether candida is the real cause of the problem, hence helping you to ascertain the most suitable home remedies for yeast infection.

* Aside from the methods stated above, you may also opt for a candidiasis home test to figure out if you are infected by the illness or not. Saliva home test can be easily carried out in your own home, each morning and prior to brushing your teeth or having your breakfast. Simply take a glass of water, spit in it and set it aside for a minimum of 15 minutes. Following fifteen minutes you may then check your saliva for infection. You will discover that you are afflicted if the water becomes cloudy or perhaps your saliva appears with strings that travel from the surface of the water to the base of the glass. Should the saliva stays at the top of the water or it disappears gradually then you could exclude the probability of having candidiasis. On the other hand, if it sinks directly into the bottom of the glass, then there is heavy chance you are infected by fungus.

Do not forget that even though you are tested positive for the illness after conducting a home saliva test, it is still required to undertake proper diagnosis of the condition. Make certain you speak with your health care provider for the management of the condition, should you be experiencing vaginal or male yeast infection symptoms. This will help you avoid acquiring the infection and prevent more risks. You can also opt for conventional treatments towards yeast infection. Among the most generally used home remedies for yeast infection include apple cider vinegar, garlic and yogurt. You could also attempt to perform some lifestyle and dietary adjustments to relieve the disorder and stop it from worsening.

Deal with the Signs and Symptoms of Yeast Infection

Candida albicans is a kind of fungus that usually result in infection and it is commonly found in the genitals. Large quantity of this fungus on this region can cause a woman to be prone to yeast infection. The indicators of the disorder commonly include the following:

* Intense itching

* Swelling around the vulva or the exterior vaginal wall

* Foul-smelling genital odor

* Genital discharge that looks like cottage cheese

* Acne break out

* Pain in intercourse

* Persistent rashes

* Burning sensation when passing urine

Even though these are deemed as prevalent warning signs of the disorder, not all women may experience these.


* One popular method of curing the situation is to go for OTC ointments or creams that have antifungal ingredients or properties, for example nitrate, tioconazole, clotrimazole and butoconazole nitrate. However, for those impacted with the infection the first time, it would be best to check with a doctor and undergo comprehensive diagnosis of the issue instead of self medicating.

* Another easy remedy for candidiasis is to eat at least one or two garlic cloves daily. Garlic contains natural antifungal components that are effective against yeast infection. Garlic could also be used as a tampon. You can do this by covering garlic in cheese cloth and then insert it straight into the vagina. You can tie the cloth using dental floss or thread to help you easily take it out. You can use the tampon for several hours to get better comfort from the indications of your problem.

* Plain yogurt can also be effective against candidiasis. This particular yogurt has natural beneficial bacteria known as Lactobacillus acidophilus, that is effective against yeast infection. Apply the yogurt into the affected region or dip a tampon into the yogurt, let it freeze and insert it on the vagina. Lactobacillus acidophilus can also be bought in the form of tablets.

* Douche the vaginal area with the help of apple cider vinegar. This can be done many times on a daily basis or consume a minimum of 2 tablespoons together with a glass of water. To use it as a douche, simply include 2 glasses of apple cider vinegar to your warm bath and soak your entire body or perhaps the affected area into it. This works by recovering the normal pH balance within the genitals and remove excessive fungus from it.

* Tea tree oil also provide beneficial comfort against yeast infection due to its antiseptic properties. Just add a few drops of it into lukewarm water to ease itching and inflammation. This can also be efficient against male yeast infection.

* Cranberries can help lower the amount of pH in urine. Please note that when urine moves out from the body, it may possibly increase the acidity from the vaginal area, which explains why it is vital to wash the affected region frequently to avoid yeast overgrowth.

* Maintain the yeast-infected region dry all the time. Keep away from putting on damp or wet underwear and stay away from fragrant body washes and shaving creams.

* The infection may be sexually transmitted to women or men. Therefore, partners need to avoid an intercourse if one of them is infected with yeast. Utilizing a condom can be needed to avoid the infection from transmitting.

Candidiasis is not difficult to manage, but immediate medication is necessary to stop the ailment from worsening as well as the infection from being transmitted to another person. In the event the treatments mentioned previously is unable to offer any relief, make sure to check with your doctor right away.

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